Saturday, October 13, 2018

2018 Introduction for Major Hoople, the College Football Expert..

                                             Major Hoople

Here is a question for all you fans of college football. Who was the most fearless College Football picker from the past? The name of this person was Major Hoople, his selections were bravely jotted down each week in a syndicated newspaper column written by Tom Peoples.

The Major can be best described as being no genius, but he does have an opinion and wants it to be heard each week! Actually, his full name is Major Amos B. Hoople, considered to be the King of the Grumps for outlandish predictions. It must be with all the retro television shows like Murphy Brown, Will and Grace, Magnum PI and the Connors making comebacks the past few years, the Major was also worth a shot at redemption. 

The 'Major' first appeared as a cartoon character in a comic strip called Our Boarding House where it ran in hundreds of newspapers across the nation, from 1921 until 1984. It was so well received by the public that a weekly radio show ran for six seasons in the 1940s on NBC.

The syndicated college football prediction column, appears to have started much later in 1968. The current Major Hoople writer remembers the column from his youth, in the 1970s and 1980s. It was always a must read (before the Internet), or more like a fun ritual from his daily local newspaper, to preview that week's slate of games. The people, actually back then read newspapers where ink got on your hands from turning the pages!

The column's individual game score predictions were mostly not that memorable. However, the wise guy type of comments from the know it all of College Football, the 'Major' were funny and sometimes educational. Many times in the article, the traditions of the sport were pointed out to the reader as well the players of interest. Please remember, it was a time way before the creation of the Internet, where your imagination was a part of the game watching experience. 

We want you to enjoy the column each week, like we did, as you try to best the Major. But, before you read what the Head Grump has to say about your team, please get acquainted with the language used by Major Hoople listed below. It acts as a key or a starting template for Amos's 'Majorisms' to help you fully understand his use of the English language. One last fact about the Major, his vocabulary can sound like it came from the 1940s through to the 1980s, so cut him some slack, dude.

                                “What are the Majorisms”

He can introduce himself in a number of different ways each week, sometimes old school like from the 1920s or in today's language. Either way, he sounds like he's your old uncle at the Thanksgiving dinner table, talking about, who knows what, at times.

The Major's description of himself as a College Football Expert, also has other exaggerations or boosts to his ego where he has given himself these other titles :

The Fearless Forecaster, Amazin Pigskin Profit Maker, Premier Predictor, The Wizard of Odds, the Gridiron Wizard and the Original man in motion.

His actual name is Major Amos B. Hoople.
     The Major's Old School Phrases and Sayings with the Meanings

Egad (s)- Oh my god (OMG)!

Contested Fray means a rip snorting time to watch both teams and he wants
you to be ready to strap it on.

Twill be some skirmish, the same as saying, “What a game!”

Har-rumph- The Major can be a grumpy guy at times as he chirps at you like a typical gruffy old guy with his version of smack talk.

Play’em, naturally refers to-play it dude or go home!

Heh-heh- LOL..enough said, no further explanation needed...drop mic, walk off stage.

Moon over Miami Hurricanes or any nickname that applies to a team. Another example would be can't take the cat out of the Northwestern squad. The team's mascot is a wildcat.

Occasional guest commentators from around the nation sometimes make reports like Okey Bayou-our Louisiana Correspondent His son is now Okey Bayou the second.

By Jove, some affair, translates to mean-What a game!

Kaff-kaff. A very easy description that means you choked by missing the winning FG at homecoming with two seconds left on the game clock!

Um-Kumph -Wow!

The Hoople Hunch-a gut decision, a five minute multiple coin toss session where the winner is predicted.

Hoople goodies means Information you should know, but the Major assumes
you don’t!

Autumnal Landscape. What you notice during the first quarter of your favorite team being down by three touchdowns in the middle of the first quarter or how UMASS fans feel most Saturdays during the season!

Favored elevens are the best players on the field for that team.

Hold on to your hats kiddies!That sentence can get you arrested in most states today, however it means- “Let's get ready to rumble!”

The Hoople Five Star Special or HFSS, means one of the best picks for that week.

Major upset or the Major's Upset Special-MUS.

Crowd pleasers are game breakers that have no prison records (lawyereze- “To the best of our knowledge, your honor!”), Urumpphhhs!

Diaper Dandies are players that stayed in school until their senior year or last year of eligibility.

Hoople Heisman Candidate, “Egad!... That's an easy one to remember, I still write it down on my hand when my writer compiles my picks. We never can be too sure of ourselves.”

Interstate Rivalry What two teams from the same state are going to attempt by whomping on on each other to win because they don’t like one another.

Enough of the chit-chat. The Major hears the Ghosts of Rockne, Stagg, Hayes and Bryant tell him, “Knock the #@*&? off and write the column!...You lug head!” Or maybe the Walker talking at two in the morning on Sunday after the last Pac10 game on the West Coast goes final.

The Hoople System, please review again the Hoople Hunch, except its one flip and it’s where I land. Very important to toss me with my helmet on. It's tails on my rear-end, think you know what heads means... and why I require a helmet!” Like the one in the picture of me.

Psshaw! A universal comment by the Major for you to get with the program!

The writer Tom Peoples, the original Football Prediction Wizard ends each column with :
Now go on with my forecast. We will also...

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